A Message to Our Talent Search Seniors

Author: Marie Smith

Talent Search seniors with Advisor and Executive Director

Dear Graduating TRIO Scholars,

The above is most likely the question that you will probably hear for quite a while. You might hear other versions of it: “What are you going to do now?” “Do you know what you want to do?” etc…Many will want to know what your next steps are. And that is, to some extent, understandable. After all, we are programmed by our culture at large to know what is next and to plan every part of our day and moments of our lives.

Here is a thought on “what’s next”. It is fitting that we call our graduation celebration a commencement. “Commencement” is the French word for “Beginning” or “Start” You are graduating High School but this is not the end. It truly is a beginning. It is the start of a new season in your life. And that is a positive thing. As scary as they may be, changes are good and necessary. The sun goes up and it sets. Life flows. Seasons change. The beauty and strength of the ocean is in its waves. Stagnant water often becomes pungent. So embrace new beginnings with open arms.

Yes, think about what is next. However, for now, enjoy this season and be ready to embrace the season to come. For now, spend some time with friends and family. Enjoy the last moments with your schoolmates and yes your teachers too! Enjoy the accolades and the outpouring of love you are receiving. Take some time to express gratitude to everyone who has supported you along the way. Take some time to appreciate what you have accomplished. Against all odds, you did it! You have graduated from high school! But not only did you graduate high school, you are now among the first in your family to go to college! You have now paved the way for other members of your family and loved ones who will learn of your accomplishments. Let that sink in for a moment.

So…What’s Next?! You did not think you were off the hook, did you?! No worries though! You do not have to have it all figured out right this moment. Here are some suggestions for when you are asked this question:

“I will embrace the seasons/changes to come.”

“I will be open to trying new things and making new friends.”

“I will explore a variety of courses to discover new things and discover my passion”

“I will embrace the possibility of trying new career paths”

“I will find mentors for support and guidance”

“I will be mindful the way I spend my time”

As beautiful as graduation season is, we cheer you on (as loudly and proudly as Ms. Roxanne and Nakayla’s grandma) and we love seeing the pride and joy on your faces and on the faces of your loved ones, but it is also bittersweet. We want to celebrate your achievements, but we also know that it means that we have let you go and let a new commencement take place. So embrace this new season, this new beginning. And remember the words of Shel Silverstein, “Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”

See more photos of some of our seniors here!

by Marie Smith, Talent Search Advisor