ND TRIO Students Attend Indiana Student Leadership Conference

Author: Megan Buckler

A few ND TRIO students attended the Indiana TRIO Student Leadership Conference on Friday, October 13, in Indianapolis. Here are their reflections on the experience:

"I enjoyed activities focused on communities; also discussing how we can be leaders within ourselves and knowing this will help to move (me) forward to accomplish my goals." The overall day “was a mental game just like a physical game. I gained self-awareness. Also made some new friends who treated me like family.” (AC)

"I liked a quote stated by one of the presenters, life is 10% what happens and 90% how you react to it. I understood it as if bad situations occur I can get through them. The session on relationship management helped me to see how different personalities work together." (TK)

 "During the pre-college 101 session, the presenters shared some useful tips based on their personal experiences. (MA)