Talent Search Senior Celebration 2024!

Author: Marie Smith

TRIO Talent Search Senior Celebration 2024
TRIO Talent Search Senior Celebration 2024

The auditorium exploded in applause and laughter at the proclamation. Grandma could not have been prouder of her granddaughter. She could not help to express her pride, as she watched her granddaughter walk across the stage to receive well deserved accolades for all her hard work throughout the school year. Though she may have been a bit embarrassed by the extra attention brought on by the declaration, Nakayla smiled from ear to ear hearing grandma’s words of pride and joy. It is fair to say that everyone was beaming with pride and joy.

It is moments like this one that remind us that what we do is worthwhile. These moments also bring us joy. We see the fruits of their labor and we get to see the beginning of a whole new season of their lives. I had the opportunity to sit down with a few of our scholars to ask them to share their thoughts/advice and how being part of TRIO has had an impact on their education.

Dallonte Smith: “ I was really lost and not sure how to choose a college and how to pay for college. I sat down with Ms. Watkins (Advisor) and she helped me to do the list (workshop offered with a guiding checklist with tips on what to look for when selecting a college) and all the financial aid stuff. And that really helped me a lot. I would like to say thank you for all that you all do for us students to get to where we need to be.”

Nakayla Scales (She was our TRIO Valedictorian and she will be joining the class of 2028 at the University of Notre Dame): “TRIO has been helpful to me in terms of teaching me to write a quality personal essay. I know this is a main stressor for applying for college. I wanted to make sure that I wrote something that would capture (the attention) of those reading it. I wanted to make sure that they could see that I deserved to go to college.”

“I think it is important for the Advisors to build a bond with their students. I remember she (Ms. Rebecca/Advisor) would call me and email me to catch up and she was very supportive. And I would say to other students to really research the colleges and universities to make sure they really understand the school’s mission and that it is the right fit for them.”

Khrystyna Hunt: “TRIO helped me a lot because I got to visit places. I never thought I would get to visit places like Washington DC. That was a really fun trip. It was really cool to see the Lincoln Monument. I got really close to it! It is so big in person! I really liked to meet people in all the places we visited.”

“I would tell the Advisors to keep planning the trips and campus tours. It was nice to get like real life experience visiting all these places. I like the guest speakers too. I liked meeting people who could talk about how their lives changed before they got to college and after they went to college. That changed my life.”

Simone Butler: “TRIO helped me to get out of my shell and I was able to earn some scholarships for school.”

“My advice would be to keep doing workshops on financial aid and scholarships. That helped me a lot. “

Evelyn Ringer (TRIO Salutatorian) : “The TRIO workshops were helpful” The checklists with step-by-step activities to do each month were particularly helpful. They helped me to keep me on track and made sure I did everything on time. “

“My advice to the Advisors would be to come at different times so that more people can attend the workshops. For instance, I had an AP class and could not always attend the workshops because they were at the same time”

Brianna Jaimes (She graduated with an Associates Degree from Ivy Tech along with her High School Diploma): “All the things I learned in TRIO helped me at Ivy Tech. The process to apply and to take classes/tests is time consuming but it is not too difficult. I stayed focused and I learned to manage my time. I started at Ivy Tech my Junior year and participated in the TRIO workshops also. “

“My Advisor did a good job communicating. I always knew about activities and events that were happening. I think TRIO is a very good program. “

Thank you to all the scholars who took a moment to share their thoughts. It is always a bit sad to say farewell, although we understand that life has to continue to evolve and change. I would like to echo Nakayla’s grandma: “These are our students! Yes, they are!” You did it, scholars! Now go leave your mark in the world. Continue to make us proud. We are truly so proud of you!

See more photos: https://www.flickr.com/gp/200627350@N03/13Fg5iQaRP

by Marie Smith, Talent Search Advisor