Upward Bound hosts Etiquette Dinner

Author: Isela Guzman

UB Etiquette Dinner Dec 2023 2

Upward Bound held a Formal Etiquette Dinner Workshop on Tuesday, December 5th to wrap up the fall semester. About 65 Upward Bound students, tutors, and staff attended the event held in McKenna Hall. The etiquette presentation was taught by the Notre Dame Law School Career Development Office's Paticia McLaughlin and Vincent Versagli. Students came dressed to the nines to learn about the basics to formal dining in a professional setting. The goal of this workshop was to help prepare them for a variety of different situations that might call for these skills. Not only did our students get to practice their table manners, but they also had the opportunity to make connections with our ND tutors, staff, and students from different high schools. Special thanks to the ND Law School and the event staff that made this night a success for our students. For more photos of this event, see our Flickr album.

Isela Guzman, Upward Bound Program Advisor